Montag, 29. Juni 2009

week 4

this week was all about nature. we spent some awesome :) days around and in the rocky mountains on our way from victoria to calgary. we stopped many times on the way and stayed over in kelowna, golden and banff. we were happy to move our rusty bones and did a lot of hiking. we admired the dense forests and turquoise water and became friends with some squirrels.

week 3

we spent another week in victoria. we were still at rocketday and got a new great challenge: a website for transmission, a music congress and festival. 

furthermore we visited a screen printing studio and got to know joey, who gave us an introduction in this craft and helped us to get our motifs on some shirts. That was great fun and we decided to continue silk screen printing, when we get back to germany.

unfortunately we finally had to say goodbye to rocketday and celebrated this with an illegal beer in a nice park nearby the sea. Thanks again for all, rocketday. We had a great time!

Dienstag, 9. Juni 2009

week 2

For the past 5 days we have been working with rocketday, a small design studio in victoria bc. we‘ve rarely met such nice and hospitable people. we stay at jocelyn‘s house and finally found a new mum and a really cool friend. she‘s very talented in design and photography, very interested in other cultures and fun-loving. 

our first projects are still in progress; a new rocketday website, businesscards, information sheets for the gdc (society of graphic designers of canada) and we are looking forward to getting more tasks. emrys, world‘s friendliest boss, delivers insight into the studio‘s working process and really takes his time in showing us everything. 

we don‘t even have to worry about our forthcoming trip. Jen, a freelancer at rocketday, recommended lots of places on the way from vancouver to calgary and beyond...many options for places to stay. 

In addition, a big party will take place on saturday evening. laura, a very music-loving member of rocketday invited us. we feel very comfortable about staying with these nice people, have interesting tasks to solve, join BBQs and are surrounded by great nature, seals, otters and dogs. what else do you need?

Dienstag, 2. Juni 2009

week 1

the 24-hour trip to vancouver really worked us over, we were everything but wide awake and even happy about our nasty smelling bedding in a downtowns' hostel. the two agencies, rethink and wassermann+partners, who once were interested in our project didn't respond anymore and faked death. what a successful start! nowhere near enough, nadja had to see a dentist because of yesterdays' dinner and left with one tooth less.

after some cozy days in vancouver, uclulet and tofino we finally reached victoria. thrilled by an encounter with a black bear in the wild, we were ready for some action. we met emrys, laura and jocelyn from rocketday for lunch and got our first job. see, it works.